Saturday, July 18, 2009

You haven't changed a bit...

This is the blog I didn't' get written the other day; a friend and I, along with our daughters had a very long day yesterday thanks to a bite from a ground squirrel. Although for me it ended up a good thing, I felt bad for my 12 year old because we were 5 hours later than I had said. She was good about it anyway. I need to back up a week or so ago when an old college friend found me on facebook. We had gone our separate ways years ago and she was wary of starting up anything new when she saw conservative on my profile (can you say sick of taxes!). I could not convince her, no matter how hard I tried, that I was the same old girl underneath, actually a square peg in a round world hole. The encounter with the furry little critter brought me to the Children's hospital in town where I had just found out my friend has a coffee cart. I got to the third floor just in time and it only took a few seconds for her to recognize me. I just happened to be dressed funky (retro vintage) that day, like we did in college. She realized that I was the same after all and despite our different paths, the love and friendship we had is still alive. If you read this, I love you Annie and thank you squirrel!

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