Saturday, July 18, 2009

Hotter than...

It is so hot today and I am so miserable that it got me to thinking, unless hell really does freeze over some day, I better live a good life because I imagine fire and brimstone is at least as hot as the weather today. Only good works for me!

It has been such a crazy week that I have hardly had a chance to think about Dayne, but I did anxiously await his letter. I told him in one letter not to stress out too badly because once you get to your country you realize that they are speaking something else anyway. So my advice was to work hard, but don't beat yourself up if you're not as fast learning things. I guess this was his reply, he said he wasn't going to learn Spanish anymore, he was going to teach and convert by his good looks. He told me his new favorite word which has a connection to a family joke. He also likes gym period because basketball is so fun; he towers over everyone and even slam dunks the ball! Do you know my son? He's a 5'8" Tattersall. Need I say more?

"Is that you Baxter? Bark once if you're in Milewakee".

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