Monday, July 13, 2009

Who doesn't love a computer?

I decided to tackle this topic today when my husband decided to write my son a letter...
A friend of mine who ran a computer magazine once told me that since your ordinary guy can no longer tinker with car engines, the computer has taken it's place. Well, I'm very confident in saying that my husband never would have been deft at car tinkering. He sits down at my son's lap top to write the letter; of course, I have learned how to do everything myself but I must walk him through every step. One thing I didn't mention was that if you rest the heal of your hand on the computer it will switch pages on you, minor detail. I hear him hen pecking away and what seems like forever later, when he should be about done I hear yelling. He had rested his hand and then instead of reversing he x'd. I know because I did it also, but at the beginning! Oh my, the entire letter lost! Much to my amazement however; he jumped right back on and wrote again. That was a proud moment!

I love computers and am lost without one, but my husband would like a world without them. then at least he could relax some!

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