Friday, August 7, 2009

Is there any lipstick on my teeth?

Dayne is doing well, not many changes since last week. He did say the others don't appreciate his "immodesty", I guess they were never athletes. He says that he speaks Spanish so well people ask to see his green card. I hope the people that associate with him appreciate his humor as much as I do because I miss it terribly!

I was once told that you know a true friend because they will tell you if you have lipstick on your teeth. Well, that has been upped one by my dear friend Jean from exercise class. Four of us were lounging around the pool after class when all of a sudden Deanne yelled out, a bee! She had felt a pinch on her skin. It got my attention because the gal next to me was stung one day in class. Jean meekly confessed that it had been her and not a bee. She had gotten hold of what she thought was a string and pulled, thus causing Deanne to cry out. It was a long hair growing on her back! We had a good long laugh over that, and declared that only a true friend will tell you that you have a long hair on your back, or anywhere on your body for that matter. Guys, or anyone else that doesn't get this, believe me, it's a huge issue with us women!

1 comment:

  1. Oh that is hilarious! I guess I don't have any friends close enough to be so daring as to admit pulling out a long back hair! Ha Ha! . . . Bee? . . . Yeah it was a BIG bee too . .
